Join us for a special session of Illinois Yearly Meeting's Anti-Racism Café and Northside Friends Meeting's book group kickoff!
Starting at 6 PM Central, we’ll watch the One Book, One Chicago Keynote Event with Tommy Orange, author of There There, live from the Chicago Public Library's YouTube channel. Then, stick around for a discussion among Friends and the kickoff of Northside Friends Meeting's book group reading There There!
If you are interested in joining the book group, get a copy of the book (and maybe read a few pages to get the flavor) before the kickoff.
Anti-Racism Cafe Zoom link; Meeting ID: 827 0319 9934, Passcode: 161204.
You can also call in for a voice-only connection using the same Meeting ID/Passcode: 312-626-6799 (Chicago).
Sponsored by Ministry on Racism and ILYM Racial Equity and Education Committee