Community Partner Organizations

  • Chicago Friends School (CFS) - Chicago Friends School is an independent Kindergarten through 8th grade school in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood. CFS is our brick-and-mortar host.

  • Japanese-American Service Center (JASC) - JASC engages people of all ages to experience Japanese American history and culture and to improve their well-being through innovative, high quality programs and services tailored to the multicultural community.

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Questions About Quakers

  • Glossary of Quaker Terms - Some Quaker-specific language you might hear at Northside or in other Quaker spaces! Our thanks to Orange Grove Friends Meeting who compiled this list of definitions.

  • Illinois Yearly Meeting (ILYM) - Illinois Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends draws from some 21 affiliated local Meetings across four states. ILYM includes Blue River Quarterly Meeting and has an overlay with Metropolitan Chicago General Meeting of Friends.

  • ILYM Faith and Practice - A guide to Friends’ characteristic practices, embodying the wisdom and experience of Illinois Yearly Meeting (ILYM) Friends.

  • Friends General Conference - Friends General Conference nurtures Quakerism by nurturing individuals, meetings, and the Religious Society of Friends as a whole. In addition to the annual Gathering, we serve Friends year-round with a wide range of programs and services.

  • Pendle Hill - A Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation offering Workshops, Retreats and Short Courses

  • Chicago Friends School - Chicago Friends School is an independent Kindergarten through 8th grade school in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood.

  • Quaker Finder Site - A locator for Quaker Meetings around the United States, sponsored by Friends General Conference.

  • - A very basic introduction to the Quaker tradition. Here you will find links to information about Quaker history, belief, and current practice. The site is hosted by Friends Journal, whose mission is to communicate Quaker experience in order to connect and deepen spiritual lives.

  • QuakerSpeak Interested in the Quaker religion, Quaker history, or interviews with modern Quakers? QuakerSpeak is a Quaker YouTube channel. They interview Friends of all different backgrounds and ask them the core questions of our faith. New videos are released every other Thursday.

  • Voices of Friends - Online outreach of the Wider Quaker Fellowship. Hosted by Friends World Committee for Consultation.

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Anti-Racism and Social Justice

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Community Care

Friends believe in the “priesthood of all believers” (1 Peter 2:5-9). We do not have a minister who is paid to provide spiritual guidance and pastoral care for Friends in the Meeting; we are all charged with being helpmeets to one another as we walk the path together.

We encourage you to let Friends know if you are in need and ask about ways the Meeting might be able to support you.

If you are not sure where to turn, please reach out to a member of Ministry of Mutual Care. They can help you think about your personal concern and what kind of support would be most helpful in your situation. You can find them in the Directory.

  • Ministry of Mutual Care Committee provides leadership in maintaining a caring community, helping members to find their rightful roles as nurturers of each other. The committee might organize clearness and support groups for personal issues, assist with conflict resolution, coordinate practical assistance for Friends facing difficulties, and provide a friendly check-in. The current members of this committee can be found here.

  • Clearness committees are intended to serve Friends who seek assistance in reaching clarity about a personal concern or decision. The task of clearness committee is to provide spiritual support in helping Friends attend to, and be guided by, the Inner Light. Friends at Northside have used clearness committees in various life decisions, such as, changing careers, going back to school, decisions about health challenges, relationship concerns, or thinking about a possible move. Clearness committees regarding a spiritual leading or ministry are explored under the guidance of the Ministry of Worship Committee.

    • Support Committees - There are times when an individual Friend may feel the need for ongoing support that does not necessarily involve reaching clearness about a particular concern. The Meeting can provide a group of Friends to listen for one or two meetings, or for ongoing support depending upon the need. If the support committee is longstanding, some members may leave and be replaced with new committee members. Support needs vary from personal challenges to illness concerns. 

    • Circles of Care - From time to time, particularly when Friends are dealing with a significant illness, the Meeting can form a larger circle of care. In this event, a small circle of Friends may meet with the Friend to provide a listening ear and listen to what would be most helpful under the circumstances. This committee can then ask for the wider community to help with individual needs, such as a ride to the doctor, running errands, providing a meal, visiting the Friend in an inpatient hospital or rehabilitation setting, help with shopping, watering plants, taking care of pets, or even coordinating a social evening for someone who is confined at home.

  • Meeting for Worship for Healing - A ministry hosted by the Ad Hoc Healing Circles Committee, Meeting for Healing is healing worship and hands-on healing that was held on an almost monthly basis at Northside prior to the pandemic. Over the years we have held Meeting for Healing in the homes of members experiencing significant illness. Mike Conover and Bruce Kanarek are also available to be approached for individual work - you can find them in the Directory.

  • Gender Inclusivity Resources - A collection of articles, tips, and other resources Northside Friends Meeting has assembled on how to be a better ally to transgender and gender non-binary friends.

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Northside Documents

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If you are looking for a specific document, you can contact us at

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