Articles, Posts, and other Online Written Resources
What You're Actually Saying When You Ignore Someone's Gender Pronouns - If you only look at one resource, make it this one!
Devon Price's Blog - A good post to start with is Gender Identity as a Job
GLAAD Transgender FAQ - Learn more about transgender people and issues important to them, from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
Tips for Allies of Transgender People - Tips for allies, from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
How I Told My Quaker Meeting I'm Transgender - From QuakerSpeak, a Quaker YouTube channel created by Friends Journal
My Journey as a Transgender Quaker - From QuakerSpeak, a Quaker YouTube channel created by Friends Journal
The Pronouns Song - A fun song to learn and practice different (and perhaps new to you) pronouns
A Quick & Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns ($9.99 new)
Trans Allyship Workbook Building Skills to Support Trans People in Our Lives (sliding scale: $6-$18 print book, $1-$12 ebook)
Josephine Kearns Gender Consultant & Dramaturg
Davey Shlasko Think Again Training & Consulting
Practices to Stop Misgendering Transgender & Gender Non-Confirming (TGNC) People - Tips from people we know (Yes, we asked!)
"Approach it like you're learning a speech or a monologue you're going to give before a large group. Write down a story or memory about the person, using their pronouns a lot. Then practice saying the story out loud. If you use the wrong pronoun, start over and tell it again. If you need help noticing what pronouns you use, ask a friend to listen and call you on it, or record yourself and listen for any missteps. Once you've got that story down, write down another one and repeat the process until you get it right every time.”
"Practice someone's name and pronouns with others who know and care about the human. Say it over and over again.”
"Honestly, I've found the practice of correcting really does make a difference. Every time.”