An opportunity for Friends to review the draft FY24 budget and reflect on how Northside’s money connects to our ministry.
Zoom Only — after Meeting for Worship
Northside’s “Fiscal Year” is October -> September; an ad hoc Budget Committee brings a budget draft to Meeting in September, and after a month of seasoning, the committee returns to the Meeting in October with a revised draft for final approval. However, many Friends don’t attend Meeting for Business, and aren’t really connected to the ways that our money is intended to reflect our ministry.
With that in mind, this year’s Budget Committee is giving Friends an opportunity to hear about the coming year’s budget, ask questions, and contribute prayerful discernment before the draft goes to Meeting for Business. This will be a year of major transitions for NFM with a move to a new space TBD, and our financial plans reflect that change and uncertainty. Members of NFM committees will be able to see how their line-item requests fit into the picture as a whole. We hope this will give both new and seasoned Friends a chance for deep reflection around stewardship.
The draft document will be circulated to the listserv prior to 8/27, and will also be screen-shared at the meeting.