Updates and opportunities to join in Northside Friends’ social witness and community service activities:
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
Thu 12/7 7-8 pm CT - Intro to Advocacy. Online.
Join FCNL for an interactive training session where staff will share inspiring stories from their grassroots network, conduct a short skills training, and answer participants’ questions.
For more information and to register: https://www.fcnl.org/introtoadvocacy
Wed 12/13 5:30-6:30 CT - Quakers Uprooting Racism. Online.
Members of the Quaker Coalition for Uprooting Racism will share information about the coalition, their vision of a transforming Religious Society of Friends, and plans for the 2024 cohort of Quakers Uprooting Racism.
For more information and to register: https://www.fcnl.org/events/quakers-uprooting-racism
Tue 1/2/24 - Application Deadline for Program Assistant Fellowship. Washington DC,
Chosen applicants will work as full-time staff members of FCNL from September 2024 through July 2025, collaborating with key staff members to build expertise in advocacy from a public interest perspective. Benefits include salary, health care, paid vacation, and sick leave.
For more information: https://apply.workable.com/friendscommittee/j/D421C3F078/
Friends General Conference (FGC)
Thu 12/14 7-8:30 pm. God Is Within Her: Quakers Experience The Color Purple. Online.
A powerful cultural touchstone of modern American literature, The Color Purple depicts the lives of African American women in early-twentieth-century rural Georgia. Friends General Conference is offering a unique, interdisciplinary way of investigating the novel's themes as one community in many places. In December's event, theologian and FGC staffmember nova george will lead a conversation about themes raised in the novel and film.
For more information: https://www.fgcquaker.org/event/the-color-purple-with-nova/
Illinois Yearly Meeting (ILYM)
Fri 12/15 7 pm - Illinois Yearly Meeting Anti-Racism Cafe. Online.
In December, Friends will discuss the 1st 100 pages of Tommy Orange’s book There There.
"Are you interested in connecting with other Friends in Illinois Yearly Meeting on anti-racism work? Then join in at the Anti-Racism Café. Each month the ILYM Ad Hoc Anti-Racism Committee will provide space both for Friends who want to share ideas for anti-racist activism, and for Friends who want to focus on the inward work of becoming anti-racist. This is an opportunity to learn about the experiences of Friends in other meetings, to share resources, and to come together in worship and fellowship to build a wider Quaker community."
More information: https://ilym.org/ilym/anti-racism-cafe/ or contact Eva Hare.
NFM Ministry on Racism Committee
Fri 12/15 7 pm: Book Group Discussion. Online.
NFM’s Ministry on Racism Committee has started a book group to read There There by Tommy Orange. The novel is this year's One Book, One Chicago title and the first book by a Native American author in the program's 22-year history. See login details above.